New splendor and new control system
Jacob family brewery in Bodenwöhr modernizes brewhouse
If anything characterizes the Jacob family brewery in the Upper Palatinate, it is continuity. Brewing has been going on in Bodenwöhr (Germany) on the Hammersee since 1758, the brewery has been owned by the family for 135 years, for 25 years the wheat beer has been repeatedly awarded the golden DLG prize, and since 1970 the Jacobs have relied on the same brewhouse.
This has now undergone a second retrofitting since 1986. In addition to the visual modernization, the objectives were minor mechanical modifications and the introduction of a modern process control system.
The first step in the modernization was a visual upgrade of the brewhouse. For this purpose, a wall was removed and the vessels were exposed. The vessels were given a new cladding of polished stainless steel, and the lautering desk was made of shiny stainless steel. To achieve a uniform appearance, the old accesses were closed and new manholes were inserted. The conversion of the lauter tun was particularly challenging, as a smaller manhole had to be used instead of a large opening.
In addition to the visual modernization, a contemporary process control system was introduced. A modern Braumat PC control system replaced the classic control panel. The old programs were replicated in the new system to ensure continuity. The control system enables the brewmaster to monitor the status of the various areas, such as mashing and lautering, and to adjust process steps. They also receive a log with all recipe data and target and actual values of the process steps.
The rebuild was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the piping and electrical installation were prepared, and in the second phase, the new hoods and linings were installed and the automation was carried out. The modernization was also a response to the rather difficult spare parts situation of the old control panel.
With the modernization of the brewhouse, it now shines in new splendor and provides the Jacob family with improved control to continue the brewing process of their excellent beers at the highest level.